Continuous Compassionate Care
Based in Belfast, Reliance Healthcare NI has been providing an efficient, effective and professional staffing experience to job seekers and employers since 2022.
Our role as consultants is to understand the specific needs of employers and job seekers to help bring together the perfect match in expertise and skills.
Our clients receive objective guidance from our team of qualified experts. We do our utmost to ensure that you are provided tailor made solutions in all circumstances

Our philosophy of care is to provide high quality of care and support to the public and private health care sectors in Northern Ireland. At Reliance healthcare, we are committed to working in partnership with our service users and staff. We will be available 24/7, 365 days per annum and will be contactable over weekends and bank holidays. We will have a friendly, approachable workforce committed to providing a highest standard of healthcare; our staff will all take pride in their work, being part of a growing team, endeavouring to ease the pressures across the healthcare settings in NI.

Compassion is at he heart of our care.
We will research all specialist needs/requirements of our service users when necessary to include:
If 1-1 specialist care is required.
Does our staff member require experience of a surgical or mental health background?
Any other specialist services which may be deemed necessary.
Our Core Values

Our brand is a promise to our clients. A promise of quality, consistency, competency, and reliability.

Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.

The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.

We have strict policies and procedures in place to meet compliance requirements

Trust and relationships, much more than money, are the currency of our business.

Commitment from our staff and sustained effort in doing actions repeatedly until we achieve goals, objectives, and compliance

Confidentiality is central to the development of trust between our staff and patients.

Being aware of the expectations of a professional can help to improve patient care.
At Reliance Healthcare we believe that complaints and compliments are a valuable indicator of the quality of our service and an opportunity to improve that quality. If for any reason you are not satisfied with any aspect of the service that you have received from us, then we would like you to let us know. We take complaints very seriously.
It is our policy that if a concern is highlighted it should be reported, recorded and any action deemed necessary should be taken without delay.
All complaints will be promptly acted upon, investigated with fairness and impartiality.
We are committed to:
Take all complaints seriously.
All complaints will be promptly acted upon with fairness and impartiality.
The service user should raise the complaint immediately with the senior staff member thus enabling an investigation to commence without delay.
All complaints will be acknowledged within 5 working days and a final reply
Within 28 days.
Service users are entitled to involve an impartial qualified third party in the complaint procedure if they so wish.
Reliance Healthcare shall ensure that in the event of the complaint being against our member staff then that person is fully informed of complaints relating to him/her. The staff member shall be entitled to receive a copy of the complaint.
The staff member may be represented by their professional body or trade union rep at a meeting to investigate the complaint.
If a grievance is upheld, the complainant will receive a written apology and appropriate action will be taken to rectify the complaint. Where serious complaints are upheld, the staff member will be taken off the agency register and the appropriate action taken in terms of notifying statutory bodies.
Reliance Healthcare is committed to co-operate fully with any investigations that are carried out by the Trust, RQIA or NI Commissioner for Complaints. If you feel your complaint has not been dealt with in a satisfactory manner, you are entitled to make a further referral to the Northern Ireland Ombudsman at:

Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman